目前分類:Life in Brandeis (11)

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Sorry, my friends!  I haven't updated my blog for almost a month since I've dedicated myself in job searching.  It took a great deal of time sending applications or filling out my resume onto employeers' HR system.  In addition, i have been quite anxious and stressed out, since the time is running out.  Part ot the reason I didn't write my blog until now is the things i always want to share with my friends are positive and happy things.  I want to tell you "I've found a job!" instead of negative things.

Today, after talking with Jill this morning, I feel quite relaxed and NEVER EVER worry about my job at all.  Thanks again, Jill!  I love learning English but i couldn't spend much time on that due to my tight schedule, and esp the final is comming in two weeks.   Thinking spending a summer in a language school where i can work on stuff i really want to concentrate on would probably be a great treat for me.  I want to have a very good accent which is hard to improve without a lot of work or starting at a young age with native speakers and a focus only on spoken, not just written.  Besides, this would make a good use of my summer and give me a chance to remain in the US.

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好感動哦! 因為太感動了! 我一定要寫中文 
我今天第一次吃到飯耶! 這是來美國二個月半來我最豐盛的一餐(外食不算)
有二菜一湯還有飯耶! 哈 我自己煮的哦! 小鼻,我會做飯了!! 哦 耶耶耶耶

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Jill is my mentor!   I am so happy that there is someone appreciating my innocence. ^__^  
Thanks for everything, Jill!

Jill: when you can deal with stressful situations

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It was such a tough week for me.  I don't like and am not used to writing down negative feelings and that's the reason why I didn't update anything for this past week.  But i do want to keep you, my good friends, updated about my life here, so i am posting my conversation with Jill via Gtalk, so you guys can sense a bit the situation.

Thank you so much, Jill!   After talking with you, I really feel much better.   I suddently realized I was very immature and dependent.   Now I knew how to adjust myself to the new environment and what attitude i should have towards the people i don't get along with.   Thank you, Jill!

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    I am taking three courses this semester, two of which - "Competition and Strategy" and "Marketing Strategy" - are very tough; only the third one - Managing Across Culture- is very interesting.   My course-selecting strategy is two to focus on my marketing profession and one to develop my personal communication skills.

I am so glad that I am taking Managing Across Culture course.   It has lots of fun!!   Below is my final project proposal.

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This is my first time moving out and living alone.   I don't know what kind of expectations I should have toward roommate relationship.    I have two roommates, one is from Morocco and the other is from Netherlands, both of whom are very cold.   We don't talke more than 3 sentences with each other in a day.   Actually, among all of the 16 exchanges students, i am the only one Asian student; all the others are Europeans.    General speaking, I think American are more hospitable, so I like American much more than European.
We have very different dieting routines.  At first, when I cooked my lunch or dinner, i always went to their rooms respectively to ask them, " I am cooking some Chinese noodles, do you wanna have some?"    They always said "No, thanks, I am not hungry."   A few days after, I finally understood they usually have lunch around 2 pm and have dinner around 8 or 9 pm.   No wonder they used to say they were not hungry.   On the contrary, my dutch roommate usually invites friends come over to our aparment to cook and have dinners together.  She never asks us whether we wanna take a taste or join together, while the Moroccan roommate and me are in our rooms respectively.  I think this might be due to cultural differences.  

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This's my room, small but nice and comfortable.    Especially, I have a good view from my window - will upload the widow view some other sunny days.

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Actually, being too lazy and too busy, i was not used to writing blog while in Taiwan, but right now in the US, I just want to write, to keep a record and to memorize all of the touching and pleasant moments, so I'm trying to write more.

Today I took part in an activity which is so called TGIF, Thanks God It's Friday, which takes place every Friday, from 3:30pm to 5:30pm.   It's an activity for people to make new friends.   The most important, during this period, all of the meals and drinks are free!   Fantastic!  Why there are no such social settings in Taiwan?  I made many new friends from all over the world wherever I even don't know.   We happily talked, made jokings, and introduced yourself whenever there were new friends joined.   They're all very nice, friendly, and active.  I'm happy that I made many new good foreign friends today.

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Today was my first day going to the class in the U.S..    Iheard many people said that they suffered a English difficaulty during their first semester, but things will become getting better and better in the future.  However, I just only have one semester.   I'm really afraid that  by the time I'm fitting into the class, it's gonna be the time i need to go home, so i feel a bit nervous when I'm gonna go to class.

Fourtuntely, i am so happy that i'm well-survived.   I could comprehend almost 90% of the teacher's talking besides some words I don't know.   Now I suddently realized vocabulary is really the key.   I neither understood the JUNO, the movie I went to see in Monetery with my Ameircan friend, nor the guide tour winery and introduction to sea otters in Montery's world-famous aquirium.  Most the words they used are quite specific, mechanical, and biological.    It's very frustrating at that time.  

So I think vocabulary is really the key if you want to improve your English to a higher advanced level.

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This is my second day in Boston since I travelled to California for five days and just arrived here yesterday. 

Fortuntely, everything went pretty well. One of my American friends came to pick me up in the San Fransisco airport and we travelled in San Fransisco for two days and stayed in my friend's house in Monterey for the rest of three days. I was so exciting about everthing.  I read street signs, learn lots of very American expressions and wrote down every new vocabularies I learned on that day. 

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This seems to be another option out of Amazon.com.

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