This is my first time moving out and living alone.   I don't know what kind of expectations I should have toward roommate relationship.    I have two roommates, one is from Morocco and the other is from Netherlands, both of whom are very cold.   We don't talke more than 3 sentences with each other in a day.   Actually, among all of the 16 exchanges students, i am the only one Asian student; all the others are Europeans.    General speaking, I think American are more hospitable, so I like American much more than European.
We have very different dieting routines.  At first, when I cooked my lunch or dinner, i always went to their rooms respectively to ask them, " I am cooking some Chinese noodles, do you wanna have some?"    They always said "No, thanks, I am not hungry."   A few days after, I finally understood they usually have lunch around 2 pm and have dinner around 8 or 9 pm.   No wonder they used to say they were not hungry.   On the contrary, my dutch roommate usually invites friends come over to our aparment to cook and have dinners together.  She never asks us whether we wanna take a taste or join together, while the Moroccan roommate and me are in our rooms respectively.  I think this might be due to cultural differences.  
The reason why I feel disappointed is that the roommate relationship is extremely different from my expectations.  From friends' experiences, I always thought roommates were people you sometimes watch TV, having meals, chatting, laughing, and haning out together.   I hope I can have roommates who are English native speakers with thoughtful, warm, and bright personailities, such like Emily and Jill.  But I know it's not easy!  It totally depends on your luck.  There are always some friends you have tons of words to talk and some don't.
Anyway, forget about it!  There are piles of work and papers waiting for me.   It's not worth spending time to worry about this.  Let nature take its course.  

Stay strong, Eileen!

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