The Advantages of Being a Woman


When asked, “Would you like to be a man or woman in your next life if your gender could be selected?” some may prefer to be a woman, while others may argue that being a man has more advantages because men enjoy more independence, have more courage, and need less concern for personal security, which means no curfew and more pleasure at night.  Although there are always pros and cons on either side, being a woman is more desirable than being a man in three areas: emotions, responsibilities, and freedom in dress.


First of all, a woman can express her emotions freely.  In general, since a man was young, he has often been taught to be strong and tough or to never cry in public. He needs to repress his sorrow, depression and despair in his heart, and never let the tears be shed, especially in front of others.  If the negative emotion continues, he might burden his heart with too much stress, just like an over-stretched rubber band, which could result in defeat in his lifetime.  However, a woman’s tears are usually considered to be a demonstration of sincerity, innocence, and cuteness.  She can laugh and scream whenever and wherever she wants.  For example, a woman, when seeing a touching movie, doesn’t worry about being laughed for having hot tears well up in her eyes.  In addition, a woman can not only hug her close friends without wondering if others think she is a lesbian, but also behave irrationally like a spoiled child, as her beloved one might find it cute.

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Marriage? Another Name Called Gambling


Marriage is a big gamble.  It requires good preparation, a wonderful plan, and full confidence, and then one can make a decision to gamble for the rest of his life.  Even after long years of dating, observation and precise evaluation, no one can guarantee that the prince and the princess will have a happy life forever, just as no one can be certain that he will win at gambling.  Although marriage and gambling have some parallels, they exhibit many essential and intense differences.


In general, marriage and gambling are similar.  To begin with, they are both unpredictable actions.  No one can use a scientific calculation to project their rates of success.  Second, both actions are high risk decisions.  From the TV news or newspapers around the world, people can easily find thousands of tragedies everyday in which one commits suicide or kills others due to his inability to accept the lose of love or to pay off his debts.  Furthermore, in both win or lose, people need to take responsibility for the results because their decisions were made of their own free will.  No one is forced to marry someone or gamble, normally.

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Whether Anna Anderson was Anastasia


That Anna Anderson was not Anastasia can be proved because of the languages they spoke, the recognition of the royal family, the accuracy of her descriptions, and the DNA tests.  First of all, Anna Anderson and Anastasia had spoken different languages.  Anastasia had been able to speak English and French, both of which Anna could not speak.  There have been no studies so far showing that one would lose his mother language because of amnesia.  In addition, with regard to recognition, members of the Russian royal family did not recognize Anna, and Anna didn’t recognize people who had been very close to Anastasia.  Because Anna had been able to recognize something accurately, she must not have had amnesia.  Also, if one does not have amnesia, it is not possible to forget people who she had been very close to.  Moreover, when Anna would describe the interior of palaces and other places that Anastasia would have known, her descriptions were often inaccurate.  Finally, DNA tests reconfirmed that Anna and Anastasia were not a same person.  DNA specialists took blood samples from both a very sick Anna in the hospital and the corpse of Duke of Edinburgh, the nephew of Empress Alexandra, in the forest grave.  The DNA specialist, Dr. Peter Gill, stated, “If one accepts that this sample is from Anna Anderson, then it is almost impossible that she could have been Anastasia.”  To conclude, based on the spoken languages, the family recognitions, precision in descriptions and the scientific DNA tests, Anna Anderson was not Anastasia. 

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Americans Preferred Boys over Girls


According to the latest Gallup poll on baby gender preferences in the United States, people prefer to have a boy over a girl if limited to one child.  When asked, “Suppose you could only have one child. Would you prefer that it be a boy or a girl?” 37% of those polled preferred to have a boy and 28% preferred a girl.  However, a high percentage of those polled, 26%, answered, “It doesn’t matter [if it’s a boy or a girl],” although this was not an option.  This showed that a group of people, to some extent, still thought a baby’s gender was not important at all.  Among those who favored boys, the top three reasons were that men can relate to males better, boys can carry on the family name and boys are easier to raise.  On the other hand, among those who favored girls, the main reasons were that mothers can have a closer relationship with daughters, they already have girls and girls are easier to raise.  If we take a deeper look into the demographics of those polled, twice as many men preferred boys than preferred girls.  Comparatively, women didn’t show such a significant gender preference; their preference for boys and girls is relatively similar.  That people in the United States would response this way is really surprising.  Since America is a country that has always supported equal rights, Americans are famous for their open-mindedness, democracy and liberty.  A number of advocates demanded equality for women in jobs, salary and housework, striving for ultimate fairness and rejecting all forms of gender oppression and stereotypes.  Therefore, that male supremacy exists in the United States, just as it does in other countries, was an astounding discovery.

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Outlines – SARS and the Black Plague


Brief Outlines

1.          Similarities: SARS and the Black Plague have several similarities.

2.          Causes: The first is that the causes of the disease are from animals, and then transmitted to human.

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Median Earnings and Tax Payments by Level of Education, 2003



According to Sandy Baum and Kathleen Payea, one’s level of education determines one’s pay and taxes.  Respondents, full-time year-round workers age 25 and older, were asked to provide their 2003 total earnings and tax payments.  The research showed that respondents with professional degrees obtained the highest salary US$95,700 and paid the highest taxes compared to those of other educational levels.  The earnings of those with Doctorate degrees reached US$79,400 per year.  Drastically lower-around US$20,000-than those with Doctorate degrees, people with Master’s degrees earned the third highest salary US$50,500.  The fourth highest salary, US$49,900, was earned by respondents with Bachelor’s degrees.  With regard to those with Associate degrees, college degrees, and high school diplomas, their salaries were relatively close; they were US$37,000, US$35,700 and US$30,800 respectively.  The lowest salary was US$21,600, earned by those with less than high school diplomas; meanwhile, they paid the lowest taxes accordingly. 

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The Dependence of Humans on Mobile Phones

Due to remarkable advances in consumer electronics, people are relying heavily on mobile phones.  According to the latest report in the newspaper Gazeta Mercantil, around 40% of respondents kept their mobile phones switched on during socially sensitive occasions.  The survey, conducted by Brazilian consultant Ibope, indicated that 42% of those polled kept their phones switched on during business meetings, 40% kept them on in churches and 39% did so at movie theaters.  The survey found that people were dependent on their cell phones and couldn’t risk missing any call, even at inconvenient moments.  That people in this hectic society would respond this way is not surprising.  Their responses can be attributed to two factors. The first is that the world’s pace is changing too fast.  Due to the rapid technological development of the Internet, online instant messenger software such as MSN, AOL and Skype, and the maturity of the wireless environment, people access the latest information hassle-free.  The second factor is that a growing number of people are anxious about getting information, a condition called “Information Anxiety.”  That makes people always keep their cell phones on for fear of getting behind and out of the information loop.  Because of these two factors, human’s dependence on mobile phones is unlikely to decrease anytime soon. 

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老師真的覺得好~感動! 也真的非常非常替妳高興+以妳為傲!
妳對自己的人生真的是充滿了熱愛 既負責任又勇往直前

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How Students From Abroad
Learn to Talk the Talk
November 6, 2007; Page B11

Lisa Yuan, a first-year M.B.A. student at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, spoke English on the job when she lived in China and felt pretty competent. But she says she now realizes "there is much room for me to improve."

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1. Brandeis University Campus Police

TEL: 781-736-3333
由校內電話撥出 6-3333

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Dear 趙老師,

你好嗎? 好久不見了! 很想妳! 可是之前一直問不到您的email 現在終於有老師的mail,真興奮

想跟老師分享一個好消息就是我申請上交換學生了,我好開心呀! 我想衝過去抱住您! (!希望師丈不會打我

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怎麼辦,還是好難過! 我的托福考砸了,我失去交換學生的資格了

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Your Résumé: The Key to Getting an Interview


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This seems to be another option out of

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今天查到1/27托福成績了, 76分 未達85分成績標準, 意思是我不能參加學校交換學生甄選了
難過、挫折、沮喪....還有什麼能形容我現在的心情呢? 我一直是個樂觀只想光明面的人
但我現在真的很難過...淚水在眼中打轉卻流不出來, 我不會放棄的, 我還是會好好加油的
我要加油! 小樺加油!!

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