Yes, "the things you don't get - those lessons are sometimes more valuable than the ones you do get."
It's a so valuable American interviewing experience.  Thinking it's also a part of my US advanture, right?

I experienced so much and learned a very authentic American business culture - the relationship between employee and employeer is really FAIR.  They don't like to take advatage of employees, just not like Taiwan.

Anyway, I've already got a job offer !! There is nothing to worry about.  Go start to enjoy my friends' and boyfriend's visit and my nice vacation in Florida and California.  OH ya!!

May = Vacation month !!

Thanks Jill again.  She is really good at motivating peoeple.

21:07 : Ji
21:08 i had an interview with Philips yesterday
  i got the result today
  they though i am overqualified
21:09 they would like to offer me a higher position which they don't have at this moment
  i am so upset
  i never thought Overqualified would be a problem
  i don't mind at all
 Jill: hey there
  well, it was a good experience to have had
  americans don't like to hire people who will get bored
21:10 overqualified to some employers might mean a candidate couldn't get a more high level job, as well, so that can make them worry
  you still have the other option
21:11 : wow
  i don't know about that
  i can forward my thank you note to you
21:12 i once again highlight - don't worry about that I would feel bored
  anyway ~ it doesn't work out
 Jill: not a bad idea
21:13 : they asked my what my expectation is for this job
21:15 i told them... u can see my mail
21:16 Jill: that's a very good note
  if things don't work out with Philips, you can still take the other internship
 : i interview two people in a row.  One is the manager who said what i did on my resume is what he is doing right now
  have u received?
21:17 yeah..^^
  that's true
  i still have a backup
 Jill: it's important to go through the process of interviewing
 : but one thing i don't understand is...
 Jill: the things you don't get - those lessons are sometimes more valuable than the ones you do get
21:18 : at the first, they all said i had a very impressive resume..
  they've already knew that's the reason they are interested in me
21:19 i think
  but if they already knew that.. why they still thought i am overqualified
  they don't have to call me for an interview
 Jill: i can't answer that
21:20 a lot of times people on paper are different than in person
 : i thought it wouldn't be a problem i would be fine but it did happen
21:21 Jill: eileen, don't worry
  you did your best
  these things are competitive
  so you didn't get it, so what? you have another option
  i really don't think it's that big of a deal
  in life, you'll have a lot of success and a lot of rejection
 : yeah
 Jill: that's just life
 : ^____^
21:22 yah i know
  today i went for a BBQ
 Jill: :-)
 : i found out lots of MA or MBA students all haven't found any internship
21:23 they are so anxious about their summer if they need to go home (China) for 4 months
 Jill: well, then you're ahead of the game!
 Jill: who knows, maybe philips might even come back to you after their done intereviewing
21:24 : ha ha
 Jill: you know, internships are designed for people to get to understand a job - if you're overqualified, you'll take that opportunity away from another student
  that might be part of their thinking?
21:25 : maybe
  so i would say employeers in the US are nicer than those in TW
 Jill: they're more fair
  they have to apply the law
21:26 : i agree
  what's law
 Jill: employee laws - protecting people from unfair business practices
21:27 it's illegal to hire people without interviewing 5 candidates
 : impressive
 Jill: otherwise, companies can become corrupt just hiring friends and family
  that's illegal
  especially with big companies that are listed on the stock exchange
: no worder they interviewed other two people very quickly just after me, because i told them i need to make my desion by today
21:30 one is yesterday afternoon, one is Friday morning at the last min
21:31 what is interesting is after i got upset because of thie bad news, i gave my feedback to my job offer company in 20 mins, saying that i will be accepting that job
21:33 after walking out to the libarary, i received an voicemessage from the company i was interested in and applied two months ago
21:34 they wanted me to call back
  i just thought - they are too late
21:35 after i've adjusted my mood to take another offer
21:36 Jill: this opportunity, this company that just left a voicemail, is it interesting? is it a well know company?
21:37 : i knew that company in my shcool's job fair
  the person they need just perfectly matches what i offer
21:38 so i got a contact person and sent my application to them
  but just no any response
  so i thought maybe it already meant something
21:39 Jill: you'll make yourself crazy chasing all these things that might or might not be possible for you
  if it's soo soo much better than the offer you just accepted, you can give them a call and see what they're interview process is
21:40 if this is such a better opportunity, and they give it to you, you can always send an apology note to the job you just accepted
 : oh..
21:41 i got it
 Jill: just don't go chasing after all these things coming in - they're possibilities and it's an honor to have so many people calling you back, but you should also try to just be happy with decisions you make. they'll always be something better, but it can be counter-productive to chase them.
  if it really is something incredible and you made a mistake by accepting a job too early, then do some research and figure out the best next steps
21:42 but know, they'll probably be more calls after you've started your position
  and they'll all look tempting
21:43 Jill: just makes it more difficult to get on with your life. the opposite of helpful.
  this is just my view, i wouldn't necessarily think it applies to your situation, but clearly these are emotional decisions for you.
 : kind of tired
21:44 i think i will take the one i got
21:46 because i won't have time to do these things, my two friends will visit me. my boy friend is gonna visit me after
  i need to find a housing
 Jill: then, it makes sense to just focus on the great opportunity you have and enjoy your friend's visits
21:47 : yeah... because from you email, i thought you might not think it's a good job (sales job)
21:48 Jill: in the US it has a different perception than perhaps TW?
  it's a difficult job
 : in taiwain, it's difficult too
21:49 Jill: don't worry about what I think, you need to do what you think is right for you
 : but if u do well, u can make lots of money
 Jill: is that important to you? or is the experience?
21:50 : it's the conventional wisdom in Taiwan
  friend's experience, not mine
 Jill: is 3 months of salary really going to make a difference for you 3 years from now?
21:51 : i don't care money at this moment
  i know what i am going to do now
21:52 thanks, Jill
 Jill: good luck with everything!
  and don't worry so much
  worrying doesn't improve anything
  you're in a really good position!
  you have a job!
  a boyfriend
  and friends coming to visit
 : yeah ^____^
 Jill: all very good things
21:53 : u r right
  i am happy now
 Jill: good!
  you should be, you've achieved so much!
  and your english is really good these days
  so much progress since you've been there
21:54 : thank you! that's what i love to hear
  ha ha
 Jill: well, you have. congratulations on everything.
 : i can't wait to meet you in US
 Jill: :-)
  think you'll stay there?
21:55 : i probably will be going home in early Sept.
 Jill: and i'll be home then too (home being England)
 : ok! one day, i'll see u in England
 Jill: :-)
21:56 : i really think i can learn so much from the job i take
  i am kind of excited about that
  i'll keep you updated
21:57 about my work experience here
  ha ha
 Jill: that would be great
 : start my new story after school life
21:58 i am going to FL tomorrow
  but i haven't packed
  i need to do it now
21:59 Jill: have fun!
 : thank you so much JIll
 Jill: take care
 : i will
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    The Moment of Dream Come True

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